Thursday, 28 February 2019

ब्लैक टॉप में एशिया की सेक्सी स्टार 'निया शर्मा' की ये सेल्फी, लाखों लोग देख रहे हैं

एशिया की सेक्सी स्टार से लोकप्रियता हासिल कर चुकी निया शर्मा एक बार फिर बोल्ड होती हुई नजर आ रही हैं। जमाई राजा के बाद निया शर्मा ने अपनी बहू की इमेज को पूरी तरह बदल दिया है। इसकी शुरुआत उन्होंने

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

सुरभि चंदना 'अनिका' के बाद 2 महीने में इश्कबाज शो पर लगा ताला, मेकर्स का फैसला !

इश्कबाज को निर्माचा गुल खान ने ऑफ-एयर करने का फैसला लिया है। आपको बता दें कि  दिसंबर में इस शो ने शिवाय और अनिका की कहानी को खत्म कर के शिवाय के बेटे शिवांश की प्रेम कहानी का आगाज किया था। मजह

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है - शिवांगी जोशी और मोहसिन खान की ये रोमांटिक #KairaPics आपके होश उड़ा देंगी

नायरा और कार्तिक के प्यार की मिसाल तो टीवी पर दी ही जाती है लेकिन अब ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है ने एक स्पेशल एपिसोड शूट किया जहां नायरा और कार्तिक यानि कि फैन्स के फेवरिट कायरा, अपनी प्रेम कहानी फैन्स

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

हिना खान की ये वायरल तस्वीर आपके होश उड़ा देगी, सीधी अक्षरा से सेक्सी कोमोलिका तक का सफर

कसौटी ज़िंदगी की में अनुराग और कोमोलिका की शादी हो रही है और इसी दौरान हिना खान की एक बेहद शानदार तस्वीर इंटरनेट पर वायरल हो रही है। इस तस्वीर में वो बेहद ग्लैमरस बंगाली दुलहन के अवतार में दिखाई दे

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

रात के अंधेरे में रागिनी 'करिश्मा शर्मा' ने मचाया बवाल, टीवी की नंबर 1 सेक्सी स्टार Viral

वेब सीरीज इन दिनों कई स्टार्स के लिए लोकप्रियता का काम कर रही  है। प्रमोशन के लिए सोशल मीडया इन स्टार्स के फेम को बढ़ाने का काम करता है। इस फेहरिस्त में वैसे कई स्टार्स के नाम शामिल हैं। लेकिन बीते

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

बिदाई फेम सारा खान ने पानी में लगा दी आग, फैंस ने कहा बवाल मचा दिया Viral

बिदाई फेम सारा खान बीते एक साल से टीवी से दूर हैं। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है कि वह खबरों का हिस्सा नहीं बन रही हैं। इसकी वजह है उनकी तस्वीरें। जी हां, सारा बैक टू बैक अपनी कई तस्वीरें इंस्टाग्राम पर

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

कपिल शर्मा शो को तगड़ा झटका, टीआरपी पर 1 नहीं 3 शो ने मारी बाजी, चौंकाने वाली रिपोर्ट

द कपिल शर्मा शो ने अपने लांच के साथ टीआरपी पर टॅाप 5 में अपनी जगह बनाकर रखी है। फिर चाहे वह टीवी टीआरपी हो या फिर ऑनलाइन टीआरपी। इस बार द कपिल शर्मा को एक नहीं बल्कि 3 शो ने पीछे

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

खत्म होने से पहले नागिन 3 में आएगा महा ट्विस्ट, इस सेक्सी सुपरस्टार की एंट्री Video

अगर आपको याद हो तो नागिन 3 की शुरुआत सुरभि ज्योति या फिर अनीता हसनंदानी से नहीं हुई। इस शो का आगाज करिश्मा तन्ना ने किया था। फिलहाल ये शो अपने अंत की तरफ तेज रफ्तार से बढ़ रहा है। ऐसे

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

हिमांश से अपने ब्रेकअप पर नेहा कक्कड़ का नया खुलासा कहा, मैं दुखी हूं, उसने मुझे धोखा

तकरीबन एक महीने से अधिक का समय हो गया है। लेकिन सिंगर नेहा कक्कड़ और उनके टूटे हुए दिल की कहानी का किस्सा लगातार सुर्खियों में बना हुआ है। नेहा ने सबसे पहले खुले आम इस बात का इसरार किया कि

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

कसौटी जिंदगी की Video: कोमोलिका से नहीं प्रेरणा से होगी अनुराग की शादी,महा ट्विस्ट

कसौटी जिंदगी की में इस वक्त अनुराग और कोमोलिका की शादी की तैयारी चल रही है। ऐसा मालूम होता है कि आज के एपिसोड में दोनों की शादी हो जाएगी। अनुराग के इस धोखे को प्रेरणा सहन नहीं कर पा रही

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है: नायरा 'शिवांगी जोशी' की रेड HOT तस्वीरें, फैंस ने कहा इतनी सेक्सी

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है कि नायरा यानी कि शिवांगी जोशी इस साल की शुरुआत से अपनी तस्वीरों के कारण चर्चा का विषय बनी हुई हैं। शिवांगी आए दिन अपने  इंस्टाग्राम पर कई तस्वीरें पोस्ट करती रहती हैं। इस बार उन्होंने

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

खतरों के खिलाड़ी 9: भारती सिंह- शमिता शेट्टी के बीच बिग फाइट, कहा ये तो सिर्फ शो में

खतरों के खिलाड़ी 9 टीवी का सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय शो बन गया है। यह शो अपने लांच के साथ लगातार नंबर 1 की रेस में बना हुआ है। इसकी वजह कहीं ना कहीं खतरनाक स्टंट के साथ भारती सिंह का कॅामेडी

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये उन दिनों की बात है में शूटिंग के दौरान समीर और नैना ने की रियल शादी, देखें तस्वीरें !

ये उन दिनों की बात है इन दिनों टीआरपी पर नंबर 1 पर छाया हुआ है। आखिरकार नैना और समीर की शादी हो रही है । फैंस ने सोशल मीडिया पर #SameerNainaKiShaadi का ट्रेंड शुरू किया है। दुल्हन के जोड़े में

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

हॅाटनेस में सभी को मात दे रही हैं, श्वेता तिवारी की बेटी पलक , डेब्यू से पहले उफ्फ कयामत

स्टार किड्स की लिस्ट में टीवी की स्टार श्वेता तिवारी की बेटी का नाम भी शामिल है। हम बात कर रहे हैं पलक तिवारी की। जो कि डेब्यू से पहले ही अपनी बोल्ड तस्वीरों से सभी के बीच लोकप्रिय हो चुकी

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

Nicaragua releases 100 prisoners, national dialogue starts

By Ismael Lopez MANAGUA (Reuters) - The Nicaraguan government on Wednesday released 100 people the opposition considers political prisoners, just as government and opposition leaders restarted talks aimed at ending a national crisis. Pablo Cuevas, an attorney for the Permanent Commission of Human Rights, a non-governmental organization, said the detainees began leaving penitentiaries in the morning. Nicaragua's interior ministry said 100 people were freed but did not give details on their condition

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Trump adviser Kushner meets Turkey's Erdogan on Israel-Palestinian peace plan

ANKARA (Reuters) - White House adviser Jared Kushner discussed his Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday, and the two also discussed increasing U.S.-Turkish cooperation and ways to boost economic conditions in the region.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Canada opposition leader demands PM Trudeau quit over ethics allegations

By David Ljunggren OTTAWA (Reuters) - The leader of Canada's main opposition party demanded on Wednesday that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau quit after a former justice minister said government officials inappropriately pressured her to help a major firm avoid a bribery trial. The allegations by Jody Wilson-Raybould dramatically deepened the biggest crisis of Trudeau's tenure just months ahead of an October election in which his Liberals face a tough fight

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Former China Development Bank official punished for 'disciplinary issues'

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A former China Development Bank (CDB) senior executive has been expelled from China's Communist Party after an investigation found him guilty of "disciplinary issues", the party's graft buster said on Thursday. Guo Lin, a former member of CDB's administrative committee, was found to have seriously violated integrity rules during his time as head of the bank's Tianjin branch, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said in a statement on its website on Thursday. Guo did not pay private contractors who renovated the bank's office building for renovations to his own home and sold his home to a bank loan client at a price clearly above market value, the statement said.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

China warns party members to stick to Marx, not 'ghosts and spirits'

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's ruling Communist Party warned party members to stick to Marx and Lenin and not believe in "ghosts and spirits" or practice "liberalism", in the latest effort to root out superstitious practices and further tighten party control.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

U.S. congressman allied with Trump under scrutiny for tweet to Michael Cohen

(Reuters) - U.S. Representative Matt Gaetz has come under Florida state bar scrutiny for a Twitter message that critics said was meant to intimidate President Donald Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen, the night before his public testimony on Capitol Hill.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Michael Cohen, in marathon 7-hour testimony, calls Donald Trump all this and more: 'Mobster, cheat, racist, conman'

He carried out the boss' wishes. He understood "the code." He was blindly loyal - but now he's considered a rat. Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen spoke at length Wednesday about his life in the president's inner circle, but the most vivid descriptor came in just six words. Trump ran his operation "much like a mobster would do," Cohen said.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

China expresses 'deep concern' over India-Pakistan conflict

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A senior Chinese diplomat expressed "deep concern" over the escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan on Wednesday, after the two countries said they shot down each other's fighter jets. State Councillor Wang Yi, the Chinese government's top diplomat made the comments in a telephone conversation with Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, China's foreign ministry said in a statement on its website on Thursday

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Cohen: fears no 'peaceful transition' if Trump loses in 2020

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen said at the end of congressional testimony on Wednesday that he fears Trump will not allow his successor to peacefully take control of the White House if he loses the 2020 presidential election. "Given my experience working for Mr.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Venezuela's Guaido to visit Brazil in bid to keep pressure on Maduro

By Anthony Boadle and Stephanie Nebehay BRASILIA/GENEVA (Reuters) - Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido was to arrive in Brazil on Wednesday night to meet with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro as part of a tour of several nations to drum up international pressure on President Nicolas Maduro to step down. Guaido last month invoked constitutional provisions to assume an interim presidency, arguing Maduro's re-election was fraudulent. He has since recognised by most Western nations - including Brazil - as Venezuela's rightful leader

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Congo Ebola centre set on fire after armed attack

GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (Reuters) - Armed assailants attacked an Ebola treatment centre in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Wednesday, setting off a fire and becoming embroiled in an extended gunbattle with security forces, health officials said. The identity and motive of the assailants were unclear

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Trump appears to have committed crime in office: congressional chairman

By Andy Sullivan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It appears President Donald Trump committed a crime, the chairman of the U.S. House Oversight Committee said on Wednesday, but he declined to say whether he should be removed from office.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

U.N. says 10,000 Nigerians return from Cameroon to town targeted by Boko Haram

By Tom Miles GENEVA (Reuters) - At least 10,000 Nigerians returned to a flashpoint town on Wednesday after fleeing into Cameroon to escape repeated attacks over the past few months, a U.N.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Michael Cohen assails former boss Donald Trump in 7 hour US Congress testimony: 'I lied for him and I lost everything'

In a damning depiction of Donald Trump, the US president's former lawyer Michael Cohen on Wednesday cast him as a racist and a con man who used his inner circle to cover up politically damaging allegations about sex, and lied throughout the 2016 election campaign about his business interests in Russia.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

'Chumps?' Democrats blast Trump diversion of Pentagon money to border wall

By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Democrats on Wednesday criticized a plan to divert money from Defence Department projects to fund President Donald Trump's U.S.-Mexico border wall under emergency powers. At a committee hearing that yielded a few new details on how Trump wants to move money between accounts without the approval of Congress, the Democratic chairwoman of the panel delivered a harsh rebuke to Pentagon witnesses

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Senate panel wants Chinese-funded institutes to change or leave U.S

By Patricia Zengerle WASHINGTON (Reuters) - China has provided over $158 million to U.S. schools for Confucius Institutes to promote Chinese culture, U.S.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Ex-Trump lawyer Cohen says he fears Trump may not allow 'peaceful transition' if he loses in 2020

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen said during his congressional testimony on Wednesday that he fears Trump will not allow his successor to peacefully take control of the White House if he loses the 2020 presidential election. "Given my experience working for Mr

from Latest News World on Firstpost

U.S., UK, France ask U.N. to blacklist militant leader behind Kashmir attack

By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United States, Britain and France proposed on Wednesday that the United Nations Security Council blacklist the head of Pakistan-based militant group Jaish-e-Mohammad, which said it attacked an Indian paramilitary convoy in disputed Kashmir. However, the move is likely to be opposed by China, which previously prevented the Security Council's Islamic State and al Qaeda sanctions committee from sanctioning JeM leader Masood Azhar in 2016 and 2017. China's U.N

from Latest News World on Firstpost

U.N. says 10,000 Nigerians return from Cameroon to town targeted by armed groups

GENEVA (Reuters) - At least 10,000 Nigerians displaced from the town of Rann by repeated attacks over the past few months returned on Wednesday, the United Nations said, and hundreds more were still on their way from where they had fled to in neighbouring Cameroon.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Trump and Kim hold second day of summit in Hanoi

By Jeff Mason and Soyoung Kim HANOI (Reuters) - U.S.

from Latest News World on Firstpost

U.N. Security Council to vote on rival U.S., Russian proposals on Venezuela

By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council is due to vote on Thursday on rival U.S. and Russian draft resolutions on Venezuela, diplomats said, with Washington's proposal calling for free and fair presidential elections and unhindered aid delivery. The Russian draft text, seen by Reuters, expresses support for a political solution to the crisis and backs the Venezuelan government as the primary coordinator of international assistance efforts in the country

from Latest News World on Firstpost

Spotify vs Apple Music, Gaana, Google Play Music, JioSaavn, Amazon Music, and Others: How Does It Compare?

Spotify has lots of nice features but it is one of the most expensive music streaming services in India. We’ve compared its features against other streaming services to help you decide which one to go for.

from RSS Feeds : RSS Feed - NDTV

Redmi Note 7 Pro With 48-Megapixel Camera, Snapdragon 675 SoC Launched in India: Price, Specifications

Redmi Note 7 Pro is here. The Redmi Note 7 Pro price in India has been set starting Rs. 13,999.

from RSS Feeds : RSS Feed - NDTV

Bentley and Microsoft up the ante on mixed reality

Bentley Systems has teamed up with Microsoft to enhance its mixed reality offering for architecture and construction applications.

Microsoft announced HoloLens 2, the second iteration of its mixed reality headset, at Mobile World in Barcelona. Alongside this Bentley presented SYNCHRO XR, its app for immersively visualising 4D construction digital twins with the new HoloLens.

Selected as a Microsoft mixed reality partner representing the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, Bentley demonstrated how with SYNCHRO XR for HoloLens 2, users can interact collaboratively with digital construction models using intuitive gestures to plan, visualise, and experience construction sequencing.

Project digital twin data is visualised with the HoloLens 2 via Bentley’s connected data environment, powered by Microsoft Azure. With the mixed reality solution, construction managers, project schedulers, owner operators, and other project stakeholders can gain insights through immersive visualisation into planned work, construction progress, potential site risks, and safety requirements.

Additionally, users can interact with the model together and collaboratively experience 4D objects in space and time, as opposed to traditional interaction with a 2D screen depicting 3D objects.

Noah Eckhouse, senior vice president, project delivery for Bentley Systems, said: “Our SYNCHRO XR app for HoloLens 2 provides a totally new way to interact with digital twins for infrastructure projects. Users benefit from a new perspective on the design and a deeper, more immediate understanding of the work and project schedule.

“Instead of using a 2D screen with a mouse and keyboard, the user can now walk around the model with their body and reach out and grab digital objects that appear to co-occupy physical reality. This is a powerful way to review work that is completed and to prepare for upcoming work at the jobsite.”

Menno de Jonge, director of digital construction for the Royal BAM Group, said, “We are currently using SYNCHRO and HoloLens 2 mixed reality solution for the construction site for a large museum project in the city of Rotterdam.

“The real need for a digital transformation in our industry is about avoiding rework at our construction site. Using this technology, we can easily visualize the construction schedule. Then, we can see if we are behind in schedule, we can flag any potential problems or issues, look into the problems, and get back on track.”

Alex Kipman, technical fellow, AI and mixed reality at Microsoft, said: “The newly announced Microsoft HoloLens 2 is a self-contained holographic computer that enables hands-free, heads-up interaction with digital models.

“We’re excited to work with Bentley, a mixed reality partner, to provide the opportunity for customers to take advantage of the HoloLens 2 and SYNCHRO XR technology to experience a new dimension of creativity and teamwork for their AEC projects.”

Microsoft’s Mixed Reality Partner Program is focused on enabling and supporting solution providers who are committed to building mixed reality solutions. Upon acceptance to the program, Microsoft provides training, technical assistance, sales and marketing enablement, and business planning. 

Unveiled by CEO Satya Nadella, the HoloLens 2 boasts an expanded field of view and a massively increased optical resolution, jumping from roughly 720 pixels to 2K resolution per eye. That allows for far more detailed holograms to be displayed and for users to see them from broader angles, rather than having to remain focused on very specific points.

The headset is also lighter than its predecessor – made from carbon-fibre materials and with a re-balanced centre of gravity – and more comfortable, with an easier to adjust fit. The design allows users to wear prescription spectacles underneath, with the visor sliding over them, and features improved cooling, making it suitable to wear for extended periods.

Morgan Sindall Group, which  was an early adopter of HoloLens tech, using it in the development of the new Barbara Hepworth Building at the University of Huddersfield and to trial mixed reality installation checks told wired magazine.

“[HoloLens] version one has already driven efficiencies in the way we design and build schemes, and it holds great promise for the wider construction industry,” said Lee Ramsey, director of digital construction at Morgan Sindall. “But we’d like to see Microsoft release a toolkit to enable users to bring models into the device, without coding or gaming engine knowledge.”

from BIM+ - Recent articles

Remote cameras deployed for UK’s flood defences

The Environment Agency (EA) has awarded a multi-year contract worth up to £2m to Meteor Communications for the supply of up to 800 remote camera systems.

The cameras will build on an existing network of more than 450 Meteor cameras that have been installed across the country over the last four years, monitoring critical flood infrastructure including grilles, screens, channels, culverts and automated remote structures.

The new cameras are a valuable addition to the EA’s network of flood defences which better protect thousands of homes and businesses from flooding all year round.

Under the contract Meteor will supply the robust, low power, real-time MRC camera systems in addition to associated services, including secure hosting and web portal access. The cameras employ 3G/GPRS communications to provide continuous access to high-quality images of important infrastructure via a secure web portal, with data integrated into the EA’s existing systems.

Meteor manging director Matt Dibbs said: “This award enables a strategic change in the management of remote infrastructure. Instead of conducting routine site visits, operational staff can be guided to the locations most in need. This lowers costs and carbon footprint, and improves the speed of response, which is of course critically important for flood infrastructure.

Gordon Wilson, Area Flood and Coastal Risk Manager for the Solent and South Downs, said: “The Environment Agency manages and maintains around 1,000 km of coastal defences, 7,000 km of flood defences and 17,000 structures. These remote cameras can help our operational staff to spot and resolve any issues quickly to help us better protect homes and businesses from flooding.”

The EA’s cameras provide early warning of blocked trash screens, and monitor other flood defence features such as storm drains and pumping stations. Flood and coastal risk management officers can monitor the cameras using any web enabled device using Meteor’s secure web portal, or via the EA’s own systems.

The Meteor Data Centre web portal allows images to be viewed in real-time, along with historic images, slideshows and galleries for ease of analysis.

Camera deployment can be adapted to suit the site and the application, and four versions of the camera are available to cover almost every requirement.

Once deployed, the cameras typically acquire and send an image every 60 minutes. Additional images can be requested at any time, via the website or directly by SMS or email. The cameras also offer an Enhanced Polling (EP) mode, which provides users with access to more frequent images during periods of high water flow or level.

from BIM+ - Recent articles

Autodesk software reduces quality and safety issues by 20% in BAM trial

Autodesk has launched a new machine learning-based software tool which it claims can improve quality and reduce safety issues.

Working with customers, Autodesk spent approximately three years testing BIM 360 Construction IQ (formerly known during beta as BIM 360 Project IQ).

In trials, BAM achieved a 20% reduction in quality and safety issues on site as a result of better decision making supported by BIM 360 Project IQ.

The software also enabled Project staff to spend 25% more time focusing on the high-risk items by providing focused visibility on developing trends for both quality and safety.

Autodesk says that BIM 360 Construction IQ is machine learning-based analytics that moves beyond the traditional concept of static data and takes prediction to the next level with assistive, action-based intelligence.

Woven across the BIM 360 construction management platform, Construction IQ sifts through data points, rom issues, observations, checklists, subcontractor assignments, related metadata, and historical data to help analyse, identify and prioritise risk factors each day. It also provides broad insights into companywide performance across projects.

Over the last three years, Construction IQ models have learned from over 150 million construction issues and checklist observations across nearly 30,000 real projects to develop its algorithms, which analyse quality and safety risk.

With Construction IQ, BAM has seen improved oversight across multiple complex projects with no extra effort. Through the BIM 360 construction management platform, BAM was able to break down traditional construction data silos to automatically identify and understand high risk items using machine learning.

“We saw a 20% reduction in quality and safety issues on projects,” said Michael Murphy, digital construction operations manager, BAM Ireland. “Consequently, our staff was able to spend 25% more time focusing on the high-risk issues for both quality and safety.”

Features included in the software include:

  • Project Home – A personalised home page that presents a real-time snapshot of “to do” items and may be customised to include interactive access to views of drawings and models, partner data, and daily risk analysis identified by Construction IQ.
  • Project Dashboards – Curated, summary-level views of quality, safety and project controls data to surface project trends over time.
  • Partner Cards – Data from integration partner applications populates in Project Home and dashboards in BIM 360, providing a holistic view of project data and key activity or status updates.
  • Reports – Summary and detail-level reports that can be easily shared with any project stakeholder to keep the team accountable and up-to-date, while preventing and managing risk.

from BIM+ - Recent articles

Florida Bar opens investigation into Rep. Gaetz's tweet about Michael Cohen - Fox News

  1. Florida Bar opens investigation into Rep. Gaetz's tweet about Michael Cohen  Fox News
  2. Florida Bar investigating Rep. Matt Gaetz for Cohen tweet  CNN
  3. Matt Gaetz Under Investigation by Florida State Bar Over Michael Cohen Threat  The Daily Beast
  4. How the Ideas Industry midwifed Matt Gaetz  Washington Post
  5. Cooper to Trump: Who are you calling a liar?  CNN
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GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz says he has 'personally apologized' to Michael Cohen for tweet about affairs - NBC News

GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz says he has 'personally apologized' to Michael Cohen for tweet about affairs  NBC News

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz said he 'personally apologized' to Michael Cohen after tweeting Tuesday that his wife was about to learn of the lawyer's alleged trysts.

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Virginia's first lady under fire after handing out cotton to visiting students - Fox News

  1. Virginia's first lady under fire after handing out cotton to visiting students  Fox News
  2. Virginia first lady criticized for handing cotton to black students on mansion tour
  3. Ralph Northam's wife now under fire for slave comment towards black student  New York Post
  4. Virginia first lady under fire for handing cotton to African American students on mansion tour  The Washington Post
  5. Virginia first lady handed out cotton to African-American children on slave cottage tour, mother says  CNN
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Supreme Court says inmate cannot be executed if dementia means he cannot understand punishment - The Washington Post

  1. Supreme Court says inmate cannot be executed if dementia means he cannot understand punishment  The Washington Post
  2. Chief Justice John Roberts sides with liberals in death penalty case  CNN
  3. Roberts Confirms He’s the New Swing Justice  Slate
  4. Chief Justice Roberts joins liberals in court's ruling for death row inmate
  5. U.S. top court backs killer who forgot crime in death penalty case  Reuters
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Eight Republicans side with Dems on background checks for gun sales | TheHill - The Hill

  1. Eight Republicans side with Dems on background checks for gun sales | TheHill  The Hill
  2. Gun Control Legislation: House Passes Sweeping Bill  NPR
  3. House Approves First Major Gun Control Measure In Nearly 25 Years | TIME  TIME
  4. Dem gun bill threatens to turn gun owners into criminals  Fox News
  5. House passes sweeping gun legislation to expand background checks to cover virtually all sales  Washington Times
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Why being seen as tough on Pakistan helps India's Modi - CNN

  1. Why being seen as tough on Pakistan helps India's Modi  CNN
  2. Viewpoint: Balakot air strikes raise stakes in India-Pakistan stand-off  BBC News
  3. India armed forces IN NUMBERS: How big is India's army? India WAR CHEST REVEALED
  4. India's air strike on Pakistan: the strategy and the risks  Reuters India
  5. After India’s Strike on Pakistan, Both Sides Leave Room for De-escalation  The New York Times
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Previewing Trump's 2nd summit with Kim Jong Un - CBS News

  1. Previewing Trump's 2nd summit with Kim Jong Un  CBS News
  2. Trump and Kim Jong Un arrive in Vietnam before meeting  CBS Evening News
  3. North Korea finding new ways to evade sanctions, secret U.N. report reveals  CBS News
  4. Why this North Korea summit will probably turn out like the last one  The Washington Post
  5. Ex-CIA Station Chief: In Trump-Kim summit, here's what Trump should ask for  Fox News
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Brexit next steps: How did my MP vote? - BBC News

  1. Brexit next steps: How did my MP vote?  BBC News
  2. Labour's Brexit amendment has been defeated by an 83 majority  Daily Mail
  3. Brexit: Numbers lesson for May and Corbyn  BBC News
  4. Labour will win more votes than it loses by backing another referendum  The Guardian
  5. The Tories have a historic opportunity to destroy Labour once and for all
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Many disabled Walmart greeters are being replaced by 'customer hosts,' causing backlash - USA TODAY

Many disabled Walmart greeters are being replaced by 'customer hosts,' causing backlash  USA TODAY

Walmart is replacing blue-vested people greeters with customer hosts, a move that is affecting many disabled employees.

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U.S. Drops Threat of 25% Tariffs on Chinese Goods in Sign That Accord Is Near - The Wall Street Journal

  1. U.S. Drops Threat of 25% Tariffs on Chinese Goods in Sign That Accord Is Near  The Wall Street Journal
  2. Trump, Lighthizer dispute may result in 'inadequate' and 'weak' US-China trade deal, expert says  CNBC
  3. Asian stocks shaky as Sino-U.S. trade optimism retreats  Reuters
  4. Trump is headed for a bad trade deal that China won’t honor  The Washington Post
  5. We have reached the end game in the trade war | TheHill  The Hill
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HP is still being disrupted by the internet in 2019 - MarketWatch

  1. HP is still being disrupted by the internet in 2019  MarketWatch
  2. HP Shares Slip After Disappointing Sales Growth  Yahoo Finance
  3. HP Sales Rise, but Fall Short of Estimates  The Wall Street Journal
  4. HP stock falls farther after executives detail printer-supply issues  MarketWatch
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Why Best Buy Stock Popped Today - Motley Fool

  1. Why Best Buy Stock Popped Today  Motley Fool
  2. Best Buy's hot streak continues  CNN
  3. A very merry Christmas at Best Buy with sales booming  Fox News
  4. Best Buy Shares Surge After Surprise Q4 Earnings Beat, Solid 2019 Guidance
  5. Best Buy sees opportunity in foldable phones and smart home technology  MarketWatch
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Is Samsung's Galaxy S10+ Worth $1000? - CNBC

  1. Is Samsung's Galaxy S10+ Worth $1000?  CNBC
  2. Samsung’s Galaxy S10 doesn’t support one of Android’s most innovative new features  BGR
  3. Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus: One Week Later...  Dom Esposito
  4. Samsung has an amazing new Galaxy phone, but it's facing the same problems as the iPhone  CNBC
  5. Samsung Galaxy S10 bitcoin wallet brings cryptocurrency into the mainstream  The Independent
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When slim is not in: Energizer brings another massive phone to MWC - CNET

  1. When slim is not in: Energizer brings another massive phone to MWC  CNET
  2. Energizer’s brick of a smartphone uses “world’s most powerful” phone battery  Ars Technica
  3. Energizer Power Max P18K Pop - Hands On | MWC 2019  Lowyat TV
  4. Energizer 'thick boi' phone gives 50 days of battery life  BBC News
  5. The Energizer Power Max P18K Pop phone has a large 18,000mAh battery  Gadget Flow
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Kingdom Hearts 3 Director Confirms DLC in the Works - IGN

  1. Kingdom Hearts 3 Director Confirms DLC in the Works  IGN
  2. 'Kingdom Hearts 3' DLC on the Way, Tetsuya Nomura Confirms  HYPEBEAST
  3. Kingdom Hearts III Critical Mode, Story Expansions Confirmed For 2019  Wccftech
  4. 'Kingdom Hearts III' DLC Confirmed, First Expansion Details Revealed
  5. Kingdom Hearts III: Critical Mode, free and paid DLC in development  Gematsu
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Feature: Things We'd Love To See In Super Mario Maker 2 On Switch - Nintendo Life

  1. Feature: Things We'd Love To See In Super Mario Maker 2 On Switch  Nintendo Life
  2. Why Nintendo keeps returning to classics like Pokémon  CNN
  3. Nintendo Announces Pokémon Sword And Shield For Switch  Kotaku
  4. Pokémon Direct 2.27.2019  Nintendo
  5. Here Are The Three New Starters In 'Pokémon Sword' And 'Pokémon Shield'  Forbes
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Who Won The Masked Singer? | E! News - E! NEWS

  1. Who Won The Masked Singer? | E! News  E! NEWS
  2. T-Pain Wins The Masked Singer as He's Revealed to be Monster
  3. And the winner of ‘The Masked Singer’ is…  Yahoo Entertainment
  4. Who won 'The Masked Singer'? Here's what happened on the season finale  Deseret News
  5. The Masked Singer: Who Were the Bee and Peacock?
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Does Jordyn Woods Keep Changing Her Story About the Cheating Scandal? - The Cheat Sheet

  1. Does Jordyn Woods Keep Changing Her Story About the Cheating Scandal?  The Cheat Sheet
  2. Khloé Kardashian Likes Tweets Slamming Jordyn Woods as Tristan Thompson Likes Her Sexy Photos
  3. Kardashians Are Upset Jordyn Woods Is Giving Red Table Talk Interview  Entertainment Tonight
  4. Jordyn Woods May or May Not Have Also Hooked up With James Harden, Not That It Matters?  Jezebel
  5. Khloe Kardashian Breaks Silence On Jordyn Woods & Tristan Thompson Drama | Hollywoodlife  HollywoodLife
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Disney's new 'Star Wars' theme park coming to a galaxy near you - CNN

  1. Disney's new 'Star Wars' theme park coming to a galaxy near you  CNN
  2. Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be Disneyland’s most interactive experience. Let’s play  Los Angeles Times
  3. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge food and beverages revealed  laughingplace
  4. Take EW's epic tour of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disney's theme parks  Entertainment Weekly News
  5. Reporter's Notebook: To Batuu and back  ABC News
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A Star Is Born Returning to Theaters March 1 with New Footage and Songs -

  1. A Star Is Born Returning to Theaters March 1 with New Footage and Songs
  2. Lady Gaga on Oscar Win & Being “In Love” with Bradley Cooper  Jimmy Kimmel Live
  3. Lady Gaga Bradley Cooper Romance Theories Are Hurtful  Refinery29
  4. Bradley Cooper's ex-wife angry at backlash over Gaga duet comments  CNN
  5. "A Star Is Born" is returning to theaters with 12 extra minutes and new performances  CBS News
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Dwyane Wade channels Kobe Bryant's 'Mamba Mentality' on game-winner vs. Warriors | NBA Highlights - ESPN

  1. Dwyane Wade channels Kobe Bryant's 'Mamba Mentality' on game-winner vs. Warriors | NBA Highlights  ESPN
  2. Dwyane Wade hit insane game-winner at buzzer to beat Warriors  Yahoo Sports
  3. Dwyane Wade's clutch shot ends Warriors' comeback bid | NBA Highlights  ESPN
  4. Video: Bam Adebayo Throws Down Nasty Alley-Oop All Over Kevin Durant  Heat Nation
  5. Dwyane Wade On Buzzer-Beater: 'I Needed This One On My Way Out'
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Joe Starkey: Kevin Colbert deserves an Academy Award — for Worst Actor - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  1. Joe Starkey: Kevin Colbert deserves an Academy Award — for Worst Actor  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  2. Antonio Brown trade to Jets is not looking likely  New York Post
  3. Steelers GM -- More teams inquiring about Brown  ESPN
  4. Price of Le’Veon Bell transition tag prompted Pittsburgh to pass  NBC Sports
  5. Where Antonio Brown trade interest, Steelers depth, free agency philosophy & more stand at Day 1 of the NFL Combine  PennLive
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2019 NFL combine: Josh Jacobs, Jawaan Taylor among winners as RBs, OLs weigh in and get measured - CBS Sports

  1. 2019 NFL combine: Josh Jacobs, Jawaan Taylor among winners as RBs, OLs weigh in and get measured  CBS Sports
  2. NFL Combine with John Clayton, Matt Taylor, and more!  1070 the Fan
  3. The NFL Is Drafting Quarterbacks All Wrong  FiveThirtyEight
  4. Pete Prisco's 2019 NFL Mock Draft 2.0: Giants take Dwayne Haskins, Redskins land Kyler Murray, Broncos select Drew Lock  CBS Sports
  5. Mike Maccagnan Press Conference at the NFL Combine (2/27)  New York Jets
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Broncos GM John Elway preaches optimism; Sanders, Wolfe to return - The Denver Post

  1. Broncos GM John Elway preaches optimism; Sanders, Wolfe to return  The Denver Post
  2. Elway prefers Keenum returns, as backup QB  ESPN
  3. Broncos will exercise options on Sanders, Wolfe
  4. Report: Broncos to meet with the agent of CB Chris Harris Jr. at the Combine  Mile High Report
  5. Vic Fangio: It was ‘hard to leave’ Bears, but they’ll ‘do fine’  Chicago Sun-Times
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9 things to know about SpaceX's Crew Dragon launch - WFTV Orlando

  1. 9 things to know about SpaceX's Crew Dragon launch  WFTV Orlando
  2. How to watch SpaceX, NASA launch Crew Dragon to ISS this weekend  CNET
  3. SpaceX readies Crew Dragon spacecraft for first test flight to the space station  NBC News
  4. NASA will spend $42 million to better understand space weather  BGR
  5. Weather Looks Good for SpaceX's 1st Crew Dragon Test Flight
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Breathtaking New NASA Images Show Jupiter's Otherworldy Storms - HuffPost

Breathtaking New NASA Images Show Jupiter's Otherworldy Storms  HuffPost

NASA's Juno spacecraft recently captured the images, which were later color-enhanced.

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Wikipedia article of the day for February 28, 2019

The Wikipedia article of the day for February 28, 2019 is Dark Angel (2000 TV series).
Dark Angel is an American cyberpunk television series that premiered in October 2000. Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, it starred Jessica Alba (pictured) in her breakthrough role. Set in 2019, the series chronicles the life of Max Guevara (Alba), a genetically enhanced super-soldier who escapes from a covert military facility as a child. In a post-apocalyptic Seattle, she tries to lead a normal life, while eluding capture by government agents and searching for her siblings scattered in the aftermath of their escape. The first season received mainly positive reviews and won several awards, including the People's Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. The second (final) season received some criticism for new plot elements. A series of novels continued the storyline, and a video game adaptation was released. Dark Angel has gothic and female empowerment themes, and Max has been compared to other strong female characters in Cameron's work, including Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley.

Samsung Galaxy A50, Galaxy A30, Galaxy A10 Launched in India With Android Pie-Based One UI: Price, Specifications

Samsung Galaxy A50 price in India starts at Rs. 19,990, while the Galaxy A30 price is set at Rs. 16,990 and Galaxy A10 is priced at Rs. 8,490.

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Asus Reveals List of Phones Getting Android 9 Pie Updates in 2019, Including ROG Phone, ZenFone Max Pro M1

Asus has unveiled its roadmap for which devices are expected to receive a taste of Pie in 2019

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5G Presents Security Challenge for Telecom Operators

With fifth-generation wireless networks, or 5G, starting to be rolled out this year, the issue of 5G security was in focus at MWC 2019.

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Facebook Not Sharing Key Disinformation Data With EU: Report

According to a report in The Guardian on Thursday, the European Commission has complained that Facebook has set up fact checkers only in eight of the EU's 28 member states.

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X-Men: Dark Phoenix Trailer – Jean Grey Is Going to Kill ‘Em All

We have a new trailer for X-Men: Dark Phoenix, which will quite possibly be the last X-Men movie before its roster of characters get sucked into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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Redmi Note 7, Redmi Note 7 Pro India Launch Set for Today: How to Watch Live Stream

Xiaomi is set to launch the Redmi Note 7 as well as likely to bring the Redmi Note 7 Pro at its event in New Delhi at 12 noon today.

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Facebook Watch to Broadcast El Clasico Live and Free in India

Spain's top flight signed a landmark deal with Facebook last August which will allow viewers in the Indian sub-continent to watch every game over the next three seasons for free.

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Oppo F11 Pro Specifications Leaked, Geekbench Listing Tips 6GB RAM, Android Pie, Helio P70 SoC

Oppo F11 Pro is tipped to be powered by the MediaTek Helio P70 SoC and run on the latest Android Pie software based on Color OS skin customisations.

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Apple Fires 190 Employees From Project Titan Self-Driving Car Project: Report

The layoffs in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale would take effect from April 16, according to an Apple filing with the California Employment Development Department.

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Rami Malek in Talks to Play Bond Villain, as Bond 25 Tries to Wrap Up Cast: Report

Oscar-winner Rami Malek is reportedly in talks to play the villain in the next James Bond movie, which is also on the lookout for an American CIA agent and two roles for women.

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TikTok App Fined in US for Illegally Gathering Children's Data

TikTok agreed to pay a $5.7 million fine to US authorities to settle charges that it illegally collected personal information from children, officials said Wednesday.

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Huawei P30 Pro Leak Tips Quad Rear Cameras, Curved Display; Alleged Hauwei P30 Renders Also Surface

Alleged official renders of the Huawei P30 Pro indicate it will pack four rear cameras while the Huawei P30 will feature a triple rear camera setup.

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Motorola Foldable Phone Development Confirmed, May Debut Under Razr Brand Later This Year

Motorola VP of Global Product Dan Dery has confirmed the development of its foldable phone model that is rumoured as Razr 2019.

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Samsung Galaxy M30 First Impressions

Samsung M30 offers triple rear cameras, a Super AMOLED display, and a large battery with fast charging support at a competitive price point.

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FedEx Partners With Walmart, Pizza Hut to Test Last-Mile Delivery Robot

FedEx this summer plans to begin testing a robot to handle home deliveries for partners ranging from Walmart Inc to Pizza Hut.

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Samsung Galaxy M30 With 5,000mAh Battery, Triple Rear Cameras Launched in India: Price, Specifications, Release Date

Samsung Galaxy M30 price in India starts at Rs. 14,990, and it packs triple rear cameras and a Super AMOLED display.

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Google Duo Now Available on the Web, Allows Both Video and Voice Calls

Google Duo, the video chat service from Google, is now available to the Web users.

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OneWeb Launches First Internet Satellites in Race With SpaceX

OneWeb is about a year behind schedule and watched as Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched a pair of test satellites for a rival space internet service last year.

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Spotify India Review: Game Changer or Too Little Too Late?

Spotify is now available in India and we tried the music streaming service to figure out what the fuss is all about.

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Samsung Galaxy A50, Galaxy A30, Galaxy A10 India Launch Set for Today: Expected Price, Specifications

Samsung is launching the Galaxy A10, Galaxy A30, and Galaxy A50 at an event in Mumbai at 12 noon today.

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Samsung Galaxy S10+, Galaxy Buds, Spotify India Launch: This Week on Orbital

We discuss the Samsung Galaxy S10+, Galaxy Buds, and Spotify's India launch.

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Samsung Galaxy A50 Price in India to Start From Rs. 19,990, Galaxy A30 Will Retail at Rs. 16,990

Samsung A50 and Samsung A30 price in India will be officially revealed on Thursday, but Gadgets 360 has pricing info before everyone else.

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10 Spotify Tips to Take Your Music Streaming Experience to the Next Level

Spotify is the world’s biggest music streaming service for several reasons. Now that Spotify is available in India, we give you a peek into some advanced features plus tips and tricks.

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Facebook Admits It Needs to Do More for Content Reviewers

Facebook said it was committed to working with its partners and demand high support for their employees.

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Huawei, Samsung Agree to Settle Patent Dispute in US Court

The world's two largest makers of Android smartphones have been fighting in courts in the United States and in China since 2016.

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Researchers Successfully Claim to Fake Digital Signatures in Most PDF Viewers

Researchers from Germany’s Ruhr-University Bochum claim that they have managed to break the digital signing system in the PDF files.

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Samsung 512GB eUFS 3.0 Storage Chips Announced for Next-Gen Flagship Smartphones

This is the first Samsung chip to come with eUFS 3.0 specifications, and is touted to deliver twice the speed of the previous eUFS 2.1 storage.

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Realme 3 Pro May Launch Alongside Realme 3 Next Week, New Teaser Takes a Dig at Upcoming Redmi Note 7 Pro Launch

Realme's new teaser heavily indicates that the company will release the Realme 3 Pro variant alongside the Realme 3.

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Wednesday, 27 February 2019

USB 3.2 With 20Gbps Data Transfer Rate Coming to Desktop PCs This Year: Report

The first USB 3.2 chips should arrive on high-end motherboards around this summer.

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खत्म होने से पहले नागिन 3 में आएगा महा ट्विस्ट, इस सेक्सी सुपरस्टार की एंट्री Video

अगर आपको याद हो तो नागिन 3 की शुरुआत सुरभि ज्योति या फिर अनीता हसनंदानी से नहीं हुई। इस शो का आगाज करिश्मा तन्ना ने किया था। फिलहाल ये शो अपने अंत की तरफ तेज रफ्तार से बढ़ रहा है। ऐसे

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

हिमांश से अपने ब्रेकअप पर नेहा कक्कड़ का नया खुलासा कहा, मैं दुखी हूं, उसने मुझे धोखा

तकरीबन एक महीने से अधिक का समय हो गया है। लेकिन सिंगर नेहा कक्कड़ और उनके टूटे हुए दिल की कहानी का किस्सा लगातार सुर्खियों में बना हुआ है। नेहा ने सबसे पहले खुले आम इस बात का इसरार किया कि

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

कसौटी जिंदगी की Video: कोमोलिका से नहीं प्रेरणा से होगी अनुराग की शादी,महा ट्विस्ट

कसौटी जिंदगी की में इस वक्त अनुराग और कोमोलिका की शादी की तैयारी चल रही है। ऐसा मालूम होता है कि आज के एपिसोड में दोनों की शादी हो जाएगी। अनुराग के इस धोखे को प्रेरणा सहन नहीं कर पा रही

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है: नायरा 'शिवांगी जोशी' की रेड HOT तस्वीरें, फैंस ने कहा इतनी सेक्सी

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है कि नायरा यानी कि शिवांगी जोशी इस साल की शुरुआत से अपनी तस्वीरों के कारण चर्चा का विषय बनी हुई हैं। शिवांगी आए दिन अपने  इंस्टाग्राम पर कई तस्वीरें पोस्ट करती रहती हैं। इस बार उन्होंने

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

खतरों के खिलाड़ी 9: भारती सिंह- शमिता शेट्टी के बीच बिग फाइट, कहा ये तो सिर्फ शो में

खतरों के खिलाड़ी 9 टीवी का सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय शो बन गया है। यह शो अपने लांच के साथ लगातार नंबर 1 की रेस में बना हुआ है। इसकी वजह कहीं ना कहीं खतरनाक स्टंट के साथ भारती सिंह का कॅामेडी

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये उन दिनों की बात है में शूटिंग के दौरान समीर और नैना ने की रियल शादी, देखें तस्वीरें !

ये उन दिनों की बात है इन दिनों टीआरपी पर नंबर 1 पर छाया हुआ है। आखिरकार नैना और समीर की शादी हो रही है । फैंस ने सोशल मीडिया पर #SameerNainaKiShaadi का ट्रेंड शुरू किया है। दुल्हन के जोड़े में

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

नकुल मेहता 'इश्कबाज' के फैंस को झटका, टीआरपी के बाद शो के बंद करने का फैसला !

इश्कबाज शो टीआरपी पर ना रहते हुए भी लगातार सुर्खियों में छाया हुआ है। इसकी वजह है शो का बंद होना। एक बार फिर से नकुल मेहता के इस शो के बंद होने की खबर सामने आ रही है। इसकी शुरुआत

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

सरेआम मलाइका अरोड़ा ने किया अर्जुन कपूर से प्यार का ऐलान, Video हुआ वायरल

कॉफी विद करन 6 खत्म होने से पहले एक और बड़ा खुलासा करता हुआ जा रहा है। इस शो के आखिरी  एपिसोड में करीना कपूर खान और प्रियंका चोपड़ा जोनस मौजूद थें। जहां पर दोनों ने इस बात की तरफ इशारा

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

गोपी बहू बन गईं सेक्सी बेब, रातों रात हॅाट तस्वीरों से कर दी सारी हदें पार Viral

टीवी स्क्रीन छोड़कर सुपरस्टार एक्ट्रेस का वायरल तस्वीरों से जुड़ जाना बेहद आम हो गया है। आए दिन कोई ना कोई स्टार अपने इंस्टाग्राम पर बोल्ड तस्वीरें अपलोड करती रहती हैं। इस बार एक बार फिर से टीवी की फेवरेट बहू

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

शिल्पा शिंदे को मिल रही हैं रेप की धमकियां, वजह - नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू और पाकिस्तान

पुलवामा आंतकी हमले के मामले में नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू के बयान पर फैन्स का गुस्सा भड़का हुआ और अब शिल्पा शिंदे ने भी इस मामले में नवजोत सिंह सिद्धू का साथ देकर फैन्स को भड़का दिया है। शिल्पा शिंदे का कहना

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

कॉफी विद करण का धमाकेदार The End - प्रियंका को लगी संजू Over-rated, करीना ने लगा डाली क्लास

करीना कपूर खान और प्रियंका चोपड़ा जोनस कॉफी विद करण सीज़न 6 की आखिरी मेहमान बनीं और शो के दौरान दोनों ने इतने खुलासे किए कि दर्शकों को इस एपिसोड में काफी मसाला मिल गया। सबसे मज़ेदार था रैपिड फायद का

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

मौनी रॅाय ने ब्लैक ड्रेस में मचाया कोहराम, फैंस ने कहा कत्ल करने का इरादा है

अक्षय कुमार की गोल्ड ने मौनी रॅाय की किस्मत का ताला खोल दिया है। गोल्ड ने तकरीबन 80 करोड़ की कमाई की। इस तरह मौनी को बॅालीवुड में सफल एंट्री पाने का रास्ता मिल गया है। मौनी के लिए ये सिलसिला

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

Video फिर से नोरा फतेही के डांस ने लगा दी आग, फैंस ने कहा इतना सेक्सी कोई नहीं

दिलबर गर्ल नोरा फतेही एक बार फिर से अपने इस सेक्सी डांस को लेकर चर्चा में आ गई हैं। डांस ने नोरा को इतनी लोकप्रियता  दी है कि  सलमान खान के भारत से लेकर वरुण धवन की एबीसीडी 3 से उनका

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है Spoiler: नायरा की होगी फिर से शादी, टूट जाएगा कार्तिक का दिल !

ये रिश्ता क्या कहलाता है इस वक्त दर्शकों को एक नई लव स्टोरी तरफ ले जा रहा है। इसकी वजह है नायरा की याददाश्त। बच्चे की मौत और एक्सीडेंट के बाद नायरा अपनी याददाश्त खो बैठी है। नायरा को कुछ भी

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

हॅाटनेस में सभी को मात दे रही हैं, श्वेता तिवारी की बेटी पलक , डेब्यू से पहले उफ्फ कयामत

स्टार किड्स की लिस्ट में टीवी की स्टार श्वेता तिवारी की बेटी का नाम भी शामिल है। हम बात कर रहे हैं पलक तिवारी की। जो कि डेब्यू से पहले ही अपनी बोल्ड तस्वीरों से सभी के बीच लोकप्रिय हो चुकी

from टेलीविजन की खबरें | Television News in Hindi | TV Serials Update in Hindi – FilmiBeat Hindi http:/

Michael Cohen's testimony can't be taken seriously because he's always been a sad joke - Washington Examiner

  1. Michael Cohen's testimony can't be taken seriously because he's always been a sad joke  Washington Examiner
  2. Cohen is bent on revenge as Trump pulls an all-nighter in Hanoi  CNN
  3. Legal analyst: Trump ally's Cohen tweet is witness intimidation  CNN
  4. On Eve of Michael Cohen’s Testimony, Republican Threatens to Reveal Compromising Information  The New York Times
  5. A Michael Cohen Preview: How To Evaluate a Known Liar’s Testimony  National Review
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Abuse complaints at migrant children shelters pile up - AOL

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  5. Data show nearly 5,000 allegations of sex abuse of migrant children in 4 years  Los Angeles Times
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How socialism destroys private charity and hurts the poor - Washington Examiner

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Details emerge after 5 people are found dead in Pennsylvania apartment, suggesting possible attempt at murd... - Fox News

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Stranded in the snow: Amtrak passengers spent 37 hours stuck on the tracks - New Zealand Herald

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Buhari reelected as Nigeria's president: Electoral commission -

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  2. Nigeria election: Muhammadu Buhari re-elected as president  BBC News
  3. Muhammadu Buhari Wins Second Term as Nigeria’s President  The New York Times
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Brexit news: Theresa May just offered another Brexit option — to delay -

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  3. Brexit: May statement on future votes and Article 50 extension - BBC News  BBC News
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Jeremy Corbyn says Labour would back a second Brexit referendum  The Washington Post

LONDON — Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party, announced Monday evening that his bloc in Parliament would support a second ...

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Buffett admits overpaying for Kraft: Financial Times - PE Hub

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